Booking flights

Return flights to Bangkok can be booked quite easily online but we can also help you find the best deals. Please contact us if you need help. You may want to research yourself too and contact us to check before you book.

Thailand is 7 hours ahead of the UK and with a flight time of around 12 hours most flights leave the UK one day and arrive the next. Please see our itinerary (or ask us) to see the latest dates you need to be in the Bangkok.

Many travellers come out a day or two early to relax after the flight. We can book extra accommodation for you and will pick you up free of charge from the airport whenever you arrive. Please note that most airport transfers to the hotel will be by metro train to get you to the hotel quicker. Our representative will buy metro tickets and bring you along to the hotel. There will be some walking with your case.

Flight prices vary and some flights are direct, others via the Middle East, other Asian cities. Some are via India. A good transit time for indirect flights is around 3 hours, some may be longer. Please note if you arrive early in the morning in Bangkok your hotel room may not be ready – most rooms are ready by 3pm, but we will do our best. You may want to book a room at our hotel the night before if you are arriving very early for convenience.

Please note that we will provide free transfers for you to and from the hotel for this tour (often by Metro) but if you are staying in the region more than 4 days after the end of the tour, your transfer back to the airport is not included. We can however, help you book a taxi to the airport at an additional cost. Some travellers for example, have in the past stayed on in Thailand to enjoy their own beach island holiday after the end of the tour.

Various sites and airlines offer flights between various locations the UK and Bangkok. Two good sites to start investigating prices are and We will also find the best flights for you. Please contact us with your flexibility on flights.